Setiap apa yg dirancang tp kalau Allah tak izin, maka takkan menjadi jgk kan? Dekat entri yg sebelum ni saya ada citer pasal apa yang berlaku kt sy sepanjang 2 3 bulan ni..
saya skrg sedang dlm mode thesis correction and plan to submit by November. Here is now November kan? How sad Selasa minggu lepas i can't fill the special form as to inform them (the crew) that i wanna submit my thesis and ready for examination. This form is compulsory to be filled! (form diisi scr online. Mslhnya, tiada link utk pergi ke form t'sbt so dat's why telepon dorang utk inform perkara tersebut sbb pelik knp tak blh bukak sedangkan form itu wajib diisi.huhu)
When I called the postgraduate unit to let them know bout my problem, they told..........SGS (pihak yg berwajib soal posgraduate student) belum meeting; and also ask me to wait until them make an endorsement. ohyah! sgt byk prosedur kan? Indeed!!
Now has advantage + disadvantage from what happened:
* advantage: i've some more times to polish my
* disadvantage: my due for examination would be
late, late, n late..bcoz it's actually
depends on when the thesis will be
submitted. (exam will be held at least 3 mnths after
the submission)
"O Allah kabeer, U're ar-rahman ar-rahim..Engkau maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang akan hamba2Mu..Permudahkanlah urusanku Ya Robbi."