Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hanis Haizi on Bella NTV 7


Hari tu Hanis Haizi ada masuk tv dlm rancangan Bella di ntv7..tapi farah terlepas nak tengok atas alasan pd masa tu farah ada urusan di luar berjumpa dengan client. Tapi takpa sbb boleh tengok semula di tonton.com.my..

Farah fikir better share dengan uols kan..boleh tgk macam mana hanis becakap..biasalah kalau org femes kita mmg tak cukup dgn just tgk gambarnya, mesti nak tgk dia becakap sbb suara org glemer ni mahal n rasa sgt inspired kan kan? hehe 

Dengan itu, nah! hanis dh macam princess dah i tgk..maveleeess!

This is we.. in this GLG group we just only focusing our bisnes tru FB n blog...Internet--- semuanya di hujung jari shj ;)

Lets be part of Green Leaders Group mentoring by Hanis Haizi! Call me 013-2449241 for those interested ;)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Green Leaders Group

Sebelum Farah buat bisnes PB ni kan, serius blurrrr sangat sbb tak pernah ada asas perniagaan pun..tapi teruja dan bersemangat jgk nak buat bisnes, tak kire! ekeke..

Tapi alhamdulillah Farah memang dikira sudah amek keputusan yang tepatt sbb dengan biz ni la farah diajar bulat2 cara macam mana nk run bisnes ni..dan yg paling paling best ialah bila diajar macam mana nak build income 4-6 angka!!! Masa tu serius mcm fuiyyyooo! serius tak sangka pulak bisnes ni boleh buat income sebanyak itu..ingatkan nak tambah duit poket je sbb farah kan masih belajar..so kalau dapat dua tiga ratus pon ok lah kan. Tapi bila dah join bisnes ni tup tuppp my first bonus is RM4500!! OMG!!  

Dan dengan bisnes ni jgk lah baru farah sedar bhw leaders dan team sgt2 memainkan peranan yg penting. Sebab apa? Kita berbisnes bukan buat sorang2, kita bisnes secara teamwork. Kerja berpasukan, so sgt senang nak gerakkan bisnes dgn laju..dgn teamwork jgk lah kita mampu generate income sehingga 4-6 angka sebulan tuh! Ini salah satu tips..buat secara teamwork!

Untuk berjaya dalam bisnes jgk, tips lainnya..kene pilih group yg betul! dan alhamdulillah jgk farah berada dalam group yg betul, iaitu Green Leaders Group (GLG) yang bernaung di bwh pimpinan Hanis Haizi. Rasanya ramai dah kenal dgn nama Hanis Haizi kan kan?? Usahawan muda dgn income income bulanan RM250,000!! Berada bwh pimpinan hanis mmg akan buat bisnes sampai jadi!! Hanis sendiri akan ajar mcm mana nk generate solid income mcm mana dia dapat!! Woww! bertuah kan dpt leader yg komited macam ni?? Hanya di GLG!

So being one of GLG members, of course rasa bangga sangatt. Banyak sgt benefit nya berada dlm group nih. Disediakan tmpt lg tuu utk serap ilmu khusus untuk our group shj!! Tak kongsi dgn org lain so ilmu dpt terus drp hanis dan leaders yg lain..Pulak tu tmpt yg sgt selesa dgn bilik yg luas, ada air cond, ada carpet segala. So dpt lah concerntrate 100% masa belajar kan..takde lah resah sini sana..hihiii

Ohhaa..actly GLAM is for Green Leaders Academy Malaysia...also GLAM for glamourouss...ahakss! So anak didik hanis of course lah semuanya glaamm gituu..hihi..

So here farah nak bukak peluang kpd sesape yg nak jadi my partner dlm GLG ni..dan yg nak jd glamm..dan yg lg BEST wanna generate income 4-6 figure solid, kindly call me 013-2449241, jgn malu jgn segan..i will show you all the way dear ;)

"Together We Achieve More!"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My new hobby

My new hobby in the making uolsss...HAHA! Hobi yg baru nak dijadikan hobi..baru dpt kesedaran katanya..keh3..ok jom nak story sikit apa hobi itew..*hari ni farah nak cerita yg santai2 je memandangkan cuaca kat luar tu pun santaiii je..erk! ok3 meh..

Reading! ----- ahaa! mcm lah pelik sangat (?) Biasa lah tu hobi org membaca kan? Tapi kalau utk si Farah ni, mmg la suatu ajaib..muahaha~~

Farah serius paling tak suka membaca. Sungguh! Tapi kalau dalam belajar tak boleh malas membaca tau..walaupun malas jgk sebenarnya ekeke..

BUT now i feel like... membaca tu dh macam seronok pulak dah since hari tu daddy order buku dkt Reader's Digest banyak2. Lepas tu habis satu rumah duduk baca buku2 yg dibeli tu dgn penuh akademiknya..haha..very healthy n nice environment! hehe..

So nak ceritanya sekarang ialah farah mau beli buku utk dibawa ke mana2 bila ber'outing'..hehe.. Biarlah konon2 dh tau mcm takde masa nk membaca pun..tp bak kata mama, bwk buku ke mana2 kita pergi walau takde masa utk membaca ialah seperti kita sgt sayangkan ilmu..always terasa dekat sgt dgn ilmu.

So bila waktu jalan2 tu, dlm beg sentiasa ada buku utk dibaca time ada free time..masa study dulu2 pn mmg buat macam tu..nota pasti ada dlm beg! Dlm kes sekarang pulak, sbg pengganti nota2 pelajaran itew, rasanya nak read buku2 berfaedah yg lain la pulak..so, if tgh berehat2 bila time outing tu nti boleh la bukak buku dan baca! So takde lah membazir masa dgn melihat org lalu lalang je kan..

Cumanya, masih berfikir buku yg genre bagaimanakah yg nak dibeli? But rasanya yang light jer adalah better kan? Ok tu jer. Any suggestion?? ;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Prevent and Cure Slip Disc

Prevent and Cure Slip Disc

How to prevent and cure Slip Disc??

Many people keep asking me such question. First of all that you guys must know is i'm really not a doctor. But my hobby is doing research. I will making research about health, beauty, foods, and what ever i want to. So this is first uols must know lil bout me. hehe

Ok this is how when me get some space to talk or type..always like mummbling and nagging until no where..ekeke

Ok lets go through our main point, which is how to prevent and cure slip disc. Oh ya, if u still blur what slip disc is actually is, please click here bebeyh..But readers, in this entry i would giving ''speech'' (oh my!! pleasee..) about preventions from getting slip disc. Why?? because to cure, better going to meet up the doctor la..bcoz they know well about your condition and what to do then. 

There are actually have several things must be concerned: Exercise, Lifting, Sitting, Posture

Exercise: in what ever healthy case, it is normally related to the exercising activity. Exercise can help body in getting more strong. It can also help keep our supporting back muscle strong and supple. BUT, make sure you do a warming up process before and after exercising. 

Lifting: some people and mostly for the guys (this is not about to condemned or what)..they sometimes show their macho by doing something that everyone  can say ''..look, he is freely offer to help me to lift this three boxes full of books'', for example.. or ''wahh this boy is quite tough, strongg and macho bcoz only him can lift such of this super heavy bla bla bla..." 
This is our mentallity and phsychology problem. Otherwise they get suffer. And this is also can happen to woman as well. "Personality is better than healthy". This is totally wrong!

So remember! When needed, keep lifting your stuff in right way. If has a heavy thing to be lifted, get help from your friend so that can prevent your spine. 

*Pic from Google*

Sitting: Sitting is related to posture body. One thing to concern about to getting healthy bone is to maintain our posture. About to maintain the posture, we should let our body especially our back bone in good condition. So we must sitting with the right way. Can't sitting into curve until like 'C' shape. You get what i mean??  Maksudnya badan tu melengkung mcm bentuk 'C' bila duduk, tak tegak. Nahh! maybe this pic can clear you..hehe

*Pic from Google*

Posture: We...have to keep good posture. It is involves the way you stand and sit.

*Pic from Google*

So that is all my little infos and opinion to share with you guys..hoping this small effort would give you a big benefit from it by chance our product Premium Beautiful magic corset is highly recommended by doctors, in addition recognition from spine specialist received.

Kindly PM me at 013-2449241;
or email farah.aminallah@gmail.com
 for more info about the product, TQ.

Ur Sincerely Farah Aminallah~~

Source: 1) http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Slipped-disc/Pages/Prevention.aspx
           2) http://www.healthnowmedical.com/blog/2011/10/18/the-secret-of-how-to-prevent-a-slipped-disc/

Monday, December 3, 2012


Kenali SLIP DISC !!

TQ for dropping by here readers ;D

Uols tau tak apa itu silp disc? For sure pernah dengar kan? dan mungkin juga ada yang tak pernah tahu pun. Ok i olz pun baru tahu jgk sebenarnya..selama ni pernah dengar jer but tau la itu sejenis penyakit..tapi tak tahu penyakit macam mana la tu kan..so i made research bout it.


Bila kaji kaji..owh rupanya ia sejenis penyakit tulang belakang yang nama Melayunya "cakera tergelincir". Erk! bukan cakera CD tu ye kawan2. Cakera di sini bermaksud 'tulang'. Tulang tu tergelincir dr kedudukan asal bila gel yg terdapat antara tulang yg berfungsi menyerap tekanan tlh bocor. So, itu lah yg menyebabkan ia tergelincir atau teralih ke tempat lain tuh..tskk seriaunya kan bunyinya..kejadian slip disc ni boleh terjadi pd tulang belakang mahupun tengkuk. 


Gejala slip disc ni melibatkan saraf-saraf yg dihimpit atau ditekan oleh tulang yang tergelincir dari landasan tadi tu. Oleh itu, saraf akan memberi reaksi “sakit saraf” (mencucuk, renjatan elektrik, panas, kejang) pada peringkat awalnya. Biasanya rasa sakit ini akan dirasai sepanjang tangan hingga ke jari. Kemudian jika berlarutan, sakit akan bercampur kebas dan sekiranya dibiarkan berlarutan lagi tanpa tindakan, ia akan menyebabkan lumpuh. 

Allahuakbar!! Na'uzibillah min zalik..memang seriau kan bila baca..Sangat bahaya ya penyakit ni..apatah lagi kalau dibiar berlarutan tanpa sebarang inisiatif yg diambil. Seperti yg dr. Nizar cakap, beliau tak sarankan terus buat operation bg pesakit slip disc ni, sebaliknya mencuba beberapa rawatan lain dulu..dan if still tak membantu, so barulah buat operation which is the last choice.

And you know what our highest ranking product which is Premium Beautiful magic corset ni sememangnya tlh mendapat pengiktirafan drp PERSATUAN PAKAR TULANG BELAKANG SEDUNIA, iaitu The Canadian Chiropractic Association, The American 
Chiropractic Association, The Chiropractic Association of Queebac.

So this product is totally suggested..! not only for 
slip disc patients but still can for those who rank your healthy at first place. Premium Beautiful so called PB will support your bone so that it's in correct position. 

Body posture is the most important!!

Sitting on chair while working 8 hrs all day long..everyday...will cause back pain and i'm sure we can't stay still by sitting with best straight posture rite? At least we need something to help the bone to get maintain in good posture.

So that is why Premium Beautiful is suggested to you. I am sure you will feel more comfort and start loving it~~ Most people after used it said to me "tak boleh kalau tak pakai sehari" ---- "hari2 saya tak lengkap tanpa PB ni..tq sbb perkenalkan PB kat saya.." ---- "alhamdulillah masalah sakit2 belakang sy dah berkurangan!"

I feel bless bila mana customer puas hati, Alhamdulillah. Sy cuma ingin membantu org yg memerlukan dgn kadar yg termampu. Selagi ada perkara baik utk dikongsi dengan org ramai, in sha Allah sy akan kongsi. Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan mahupun ingin order set PB anda, kindly pm me at 013-2449241; or email farah.aminallah@gmail.com

TQ for reading this blog!! XD

source: 1) http://www.sinarharian.com.my/tanya-dr-nizar/alternatif-rawatan-slipped-disc-1.40464
        2) http://adamfaiz.wordpress.com/2010/03/02/hargai-tulang-belakang-slipped-disc/