Kenali SLIP DISC !!
TQ for dropping by here readers ;D
Uols tau tak apa itu silp disc? For sure pernah dengar kan? dan mungkin juga ada yang tak pernah tahu pun. Ok i olz pun baru tahu jgk sebenarnya..selama ni pernah dengar jer but tau la itu sejenis penyakit..tapi tak tahu penyakit macam mana la tu i made research bout it.
Uols tau tak apa itu silp disc? For sure pernah dengar kan? dan mungkin juga ada yang tak pernah tahu pun. Ok i olz pun baru tahu jgk sebenarnya..selama ni pernah dengar jer but tau la itu sejenis penyakit..tapi tak tahu penyakit macam mana la tu i made research bout it.
Bila kaji kaji..owh rupanya ia sejenis penyakit tulang belakang yang nama Melayunya "cakera tergelincir". Erk! bukan cakera CD tu ye kawan2. Cakera di sini bermaksud 'tulang'. Tulang tu tergelincir dr kedudukan asal bila gel yg terdapat antara tulang yg berfungsi menyerap tekanan tlh bocor. So, itu lah yg menyebabkan ia tergelincir atau teralih ke tempat lain tuh..tskk seriaunya kan bunyinya..kejadian slip disc ni boleh terjadi pd tulang belakang mahupun tengkuk.
Gejala slip disc ni melibatkan saraf-saraf yg dihimpit atau ditekan oleh tulang yang tergelincir dari landasan tadi tu. Oleh itu, saraf akan memberi reaksi “sakit saraf” (mencucuk, renjatan elektrik, panas, kejang) pada peringkat awalnya. Biasanya rasa sakit ini akan dirasai sepanjang tangan hingga ke jari. Kemudian jika berlarutan, sakit akan bercampur kebas dan sekiranya dibiarkan berlarutan lagi tanpa tindakan, ia akan menyebabkan lumpuh.
Allahuakbar!! Na'uzibillah min zalik..memang seriau kan bila baca..Sangat bahaya ya penyakit ni..apatah lagi kalau dibiar berlarutan tanpa sebarang inisiatif yg diambil. Seperti yg dr. Nizar cakap, beliau tak sarankan terus buat operation bg pesakit slip disc ni, sebaliknya mencuba beberapa rawatan lain dulu..dan if still tak membantu, so barulah buat operation which is the last choice.
And you know what our highest ranking product which is Premium Beautiful magic corset ni sememangnya tlh mendapat pengiktirafan drp PERSATUAN PAKAR TULANG BELAKANG SEDUNIA, iaitu The Canadian Chiropractic Association, The American Chiropractic Association, The Chiropractic Association of Queebac.
So this product is totally suggested..! not only for slip disc patients but still can for those who rank your healthy at first place. Premium Beautiful so called PB will support your bone so that it's in correct position.
Allahuakbar!! Na'uzibillah min zalik..memang seriau kan bila baca..Sangat bahaya ya penyakit ni..apatah lagi kalau dibiar berlarutan tanpa sebarang inisiatif yg diambil. Seperti yg dr. Nizar cakap, beliau tak sarankan terus buat operation bg pesakit slip disc ni, sebaliknya mencuba beberapa rawatan lain dulu..dan if still tak membantu, so barulah buat operation which is the last choice.
And you know what our highest ranking product which is Premium Beautiful magic corset ni sememangnya tlh mendapat pengiktirafan drp PERSATUAN PAKAR TULANG BELAKANG SEDUNIA, iaitu The Canadian Chiropractic Association, The American Chiropractic Association, The Chiropractic Association of Queebac.
So this product is totally suggested..! not only for slip disc patients but still can for those who rank your healthy at first place. Premium Beautiful so called PB will support your bone so that it's in correct position.
Body posture is the most important!!
Sitting on chair while working 8 hrs all day long..everyday...will cause back pain and i'm sure we can't stay still by sitting with best straight posture rite? At least we need something to help the bone to get maintain in good posture.
So that is why Premium Beautiful is suggested to you. I am sure you will feel more comfort and start loving it~~ Most people after used it said to me "tak boleh kalau tak pakai sehari" ---- "hari2 saya tak lengkap tanpa PB ni..tq sbb perkenalkan PB kat saya.." ---- "alhamdulillah masalah sakit2 belakang sy dah berkurangan!"
I feel bless bila mana customer puas hati, Alhamdulillah. Sy cuma ingin membantu org yg memerlukan dgn kadar yg termampu. Selagi ada perkara baik utk dikongsi dengan org ramai, in sha Allah sy akan kongsi. Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan mahupun ingin order set PB anda, kindly pm me at 013-2449241; or email
TQ for reading this blog!! XD
So that is why Premium Beautiful is suggested to you. I am sure you will feel more comfort and start loving it~~ Most people after used it said to me "tak boleh kalau tak pakai sehari" ---- "hari2 saya tak lengkap tanpa PB ni..tq sbb perkenalkan PB kat saya.." ---- "alhamdulillah masalah sakit2 belakang sy dah berkurangan!"
I feel bless bila mana customer puas hati, Alhamdulillah. Sy cuma ingin membantu org yg memerlukan dgn kadar yg termampu. Selagi ada perkara baik utk dikongsi dengan org ramai, in sha Allah sy akan kongsi. Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan mahupun ingin order set PB anda, kindly pm me at 013-2449241; or email
TQ for reading this blog!! XD
source: 1)
thankz fo the information...but how to prevent?...overall good to know about it...
tq for visiting here oniey! :)
u're most welcome..every people tend to get dis slip disc if we r not taking care about the body..
am not a doc, but from most of ppl around me said n also by research, the most important is about we have to count heavely on eating style..u know rite when talk about eating n food?...control type of food taking..
besides, as mentioned abve, our posture body also quite important to take note. and for this, i surely can help with our Premium Beautiful magic corset. This corset will help to get the best posture. u'll feeling much comfortable with it n was getting recognition from The Canadian Chiropractic Association, The American Chiropractic Association, The Chiropractic Association of Queebac as mentioned abve..much more benefits of the corset u can click here
or u can add me on Facebook and also can call me at the number placed abve, at the bottom of this entry..tq
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